高中一年級95暫綱課程變化頗大,電影「真善美」(The Sound of Music)」被編入音樂課程,其實"她"是改編自故事女主角瑪利亞1949年的一個真實的故事,且電影拍攝的地點即為莫札特的故鄉~奧地利的薩爾茲堡呢!!!從民國55年說起~「真善美」於1965年開始全球首映,隔年就到台灣,造成極大的轟動。「The Story of The Trapp Family Singers」。該書名在台灣譯為「真善美的故事」(原用"達菩之家"為譯名,後因電影「真善美」大受歡迎,乃於第二版時改名為「真善美的故事」),由丁貞婉女士譯,先知出版社出版(62年7月三版),譯筆非常流暢(同學有興趣也可看看英文原著喔)。版面很醜~敬請見諒~因為上課要投影到大螢幕,怕後面同學視線不佳~~so字體大又亂囉!!!
Edelweiss~~~~ 電影板http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye7wGOUG8NE 白花
The Sound of Music - Royal Variety Performance 2006 音樂劇版
奧地利薩爾茲堡「真善美」觀光導覽網址: http://www.salzburg.info/ the dance, fallin' in love, the sound of music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB0kBMgOWV0&feature=related
Sound of Music: So Long, Farewell
Maria and Georg:Love At First Sight
1. The Sound Of Music ~~
The hills are alive with the sound of music, 群山在樂聲中充滿生氣
With songs they have sung for a thousand years. 歌曲頌唱歷經千百年
The hills fill my heart with the sound of music, 群山音樂之聲充滿我心
My heart wants to sing every thing/song it hears. 我的心想唱出聽到的每首歌每件事
My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise 我心想似鳥之羽翼展翅
From the lake to the trees, 由湖面飛向林梢
My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies 我心想似鐘聲同輕嘆,
From a church on a breeze, 隨清風拂過教堂
To laugh like a brook when it trips 歡笑一如溪流
And falls over stones on its way 蜿蜒婉轉於石塊間
To sing through the night 徹夜高歌
Like a lark who is learning to pray— 如祈願之雲雀
I go to the hills when my heart is lonely, 我投向群山,每當我心孤寂
I know I will hear what I've heard before. 我知道我定能聽見昔日歌聲
My heart will be blessed with the sound of music 悠揚的樂聲賜福我心靈
And I'll sing once more. 我也願再一次歡聲歌唱
The gift ~在生命轉彎的地方"開春吉祥-鴻圖大展"!!!!
C調 3/4 小白花 ...... ( ) 請高八度演唱
在課堂上,老師基本原則會使用Edelweiss三度音二部合唱練習~~~~擅長吹高音直笛的同學可帶至學校大家一起合唱加合奏,這種練習方式還蠻不賴的喔 !!!! ~~~~~不信?帶來試試就知道了嘛!!
Edelweiss, edelweiss 每天早晨你迎接我Every morning you greet me 小又白Small and white 淨而光Clean and bright 看來你真高興與我相會You look happy to meet me 雪白的花朵Blossom of snow 永遠盛開,永遠成長Bloom and grow forever 小白花,小白花Edelweiss, edelweiss, 永遠祝福我的國家Bless my homeland forever 每天早晨你迎接我Every morning you greet me 小又白Small and white 淨而光Clean and bright 看來你真高興與我相會You look happy to meet me 雪白的花朵Blossom of snow 願你綻放、茁壯May you bloom and grow 永遠盛開,永遠成長Bloom and grow forever 小白花,小白花Edelweiss, edelweiss, 永遠祝福我的國家Bless my homeland forever
願你綻放、茁壯May you bloom and grow
小白花,小白花Edelweiss, edelweiss
.Do-Re-Mi ~~- 讓我們從頭開始Let's start at the very beginning
選一個很棒的起點A very good place to start.
唸書的時候你從—When you read you begin with—
從ABC開始學A B C
唱歌的時候我們從「多雷咪」開始教When you sing you begin with do re mi
「多雷咪」?Do re mi?
「多雷咪」Do re mi.
恰恰好是剛開始的三個音符The first three notes just happen to be
「多雷咪」Do re mi.
「多雷咪」!Do re mi!
「Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti…」Do re mi fa so la ti—
來,我把它弄簡單一點;聽著Come, I’ll make it easier. Listen.
「Doe」—是「鹿」;一隻小母鹿Doe — a deer, a female deer,
「Ray」—是一束金色陽光Ray — a drop of golden sun,
「Me」—是「我」的自稱Me — a name I call myself,
「Far」—是很遠很遠的長路Far — a long, long way to run,
「Sew」—是針穿細線縫衣服Sew — a needle pulling thread,
「La」—是「Sew」的下一個音La — a note to follow ‘sew’,
「Tea」—是果醬麵包配茶喝Tea — a drink with jam and bread.
這樣我們又回到「Doe」And that will bring us back to do
So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
你們來一次Can you do that?
So Do La Fa Mi Do Re
So Do La Ti Do Re Do
So Do La Ti Do Re Do
當你學會這些音When you know the notes to sing
你就會唱所有歌You can sing most anything
當你學會這些音When you know the notes to sing
你就會唱所有歌You can sing most anything
The Sound of Music: Trailer Remix