在歐洲求學的那段時間,曾經和同學們因為考試的關係一起住進當地類似民宿花園式的世外桃源,清晨一早鳥語花香,對我而言好似進入電影世界有時更如入仙境般呢!記得當時常聽著KING'S SINGERS的美妙和聲,因此整天亦感染著一股莫名的熱力與好心情!!尤其老師特別喜愛KING'S SINGERS演唱披頭四的這張專輯,這也是他們每場音樂會幾乎必備的曲目之一呢~~~







 此次2008 THE  KING'S SINGERS 四十週年亞洲巡迴演唱會中未見此曲~~~老師有些失望耶~~~




Yesterday Beatles / 昨日 原唱披頭四合唱團~~~



Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away 昨日,所有的煩惱彷彿遠在天邊
Now it looks as though they're here to stay 現在它似乎在此停留
Oh, I believe in yesterday 噢!我相信昨日

Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be 剎那間,我已不是從前的我
There's a shadow hanging over me 有一片陰影懸在我心頭
Oh, yesterday came suddenly 噢!昨日來得太匆匆

Why she had to go 為何她得離去
I don't know she wouldn't say 我不知道,她也不肯說
I said something wrong 我想是我說錯了一些話
Now I long for yesterday 此刻,我多麼嚮往昨日

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play 昨日,愛情是一場簡單的遊戲
Now I need a place to hide away 現在,我需要找個地方躲起來
Oh, I believe in yesterday 噢!我相信昨日................................................................

















is there anybody listen to my story
all about the girl who came to stay
she's the kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry
still you don't regret a single day

oh girl

when i think of all the times i tried so hard to leave her
she will turn to me and start to cry
and she promises the earth to me and i believe her
after all this time i don't know why

oh girl (iç çek)

she's the kind of girl who puts you down when friends are there you feel a fool
when you say she's lookin good she acts as if it's understood she's cool

oh girl (iç çek)

was she told when she was young that fame would lead to pleasure
did she understand it when they said
that a man must break his back to earn his day of leisure
will she still believe it when he's dead

oh girl (iç çek)








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