小時候爸媽常帶我去看電影!In the monring 這首曲子~是我的第一張英文黑膠唱片當中的主打歌,大約在國小4~5年級時買的! 還記得當年上映戲院名稱為台北遠東戲院呢!此曲由Bee Gees 主唱 ,電影片名翻成~兩小無猜,劇中小男主角是由~馬克里斯特所主演.哇!!好美的一部電影,所謂的`美’當然得包括音樂及拍攝場景,尤其是小男主角馬克里斯特Mark Lester和小女主角都”美”極了!!(以我當時的鑑賞能力是如此堅定地認為的喔!至今不悔呢~~~)此次音樂劇[Mamma mia]星期六晚間在台演出,除了劇中以ABBA的成名之作為主要音樂元素外亦將 部份 Bee Gees的作品編入音樂劇中,並刻意強調呈現70年代的流行樂風喔~
Mamma Mia The Movie 2008 - First Trailer
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)
Mamma Mia The Movie
Mamma Mia! The Winner Takes It All - full song and video
SOS by Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan in "mamma mia
mamma mia中文官網~~~
此為年代售票網 並介紹部份作品與劇情~~~
The fabulous 1971 film Melody - First Of MayIn the monring ~Bee Gees
Mark Lester和小女主角的 MV~ 我終於找到 MV了!真是回味無窮呢~~他們倆人可愛極了!!!
in the monring ~Bee Gees http://youtube.com/watch?v=hiIkKq25Nz8&mode=related&search=
F Bb F
In the morning when the moon is at its rest,
Bb F
you will see me at the time I love the best,
Gm7 Am7
watching rainbows, play on sunlight,
Gm7 Am 7 Gm 7
pools of water iced from cold night,in the morning.
Bb C7
'Tis the morning of my life.
F Bb F
In the daytime I will meet you as before.
Bb F
You will find me waiting by the ocean floor,
Gm7 Am7
building castles in the shifting sands
Gm7 Am 7
i n a world that no one understands,
Gm 7
i n the morning.
Bb F Bb
'Tis the morning of my life.
F F 6 Gm 7
I n the morning of my life
Bb C 7 F
the minutes take so long to drift away.
Please be patient with your life,
Bb C 7 F
it's only morning and you're still to live your day.
F Bb F
In the evening I will fly you to the moon,
Bb F
to the top right hand corner of the ceiling in my room,
Gm7 Am7
where we'll stay until the sun shines,
Gm7 Am7
another day to swing on clothes lines,
I'll be yawning.
Bb C7
It is the morning of my life.
Bb F Bb
It is the morning of my life.
F Bb
In the morning,
F Bb F
In the morning
歲月的流逝, 很多童年往事似乎漸顯模糊,但這甜美的時光與記憶,卻不時浮上心頭,那種幸福感,是深愛我的家人們所賜予我的~
尤其是我的爸爸!感謝他賦予我樂觀善群的個性,讓我擁有人生的光明面及愛人與被愛的特質,!!!也希望各位同學在人生的道路上也能永遠如此地向陽~In the monring ~今天是父親節,每逢佳節倍思親,雖然我的父親已不在人世,但他永遠活在我的心中, 也是永遠守候家人的天使!!!因此親愛的同學們~~別忘了向辛苦且愛你的父親說聲~爸爸我愛你~您辛苦了!!!